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About the Meijers

Jacob Meijer was born in Amsterdam and received his training as a sculptor and an architect in the Netherlands and Italy. He taught at the Technical University of Delft Architectural Design and Sculpture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Den Haag for many years. He realized many art commissions and installations in the municipal environment
and participated in international competitions. 


Then Jacob, his wife, Irena, and daughter immigrated to the U.S., where he participated in an International Art Symposium in Chicago and later accepted a teaching position at Montana State University.

Over the years Irena, a talented performer and teacher, began receiving deep spiritual revelations during meditation. These revelations were to be captured in physical form as sculptures, precisely embodying the wisdom they represent. Jacob–as a sculptor—and Irena—as a visionary—collaborated for decades together to create the works you see here on the website.


This collection is not for sale. Neither artist represents any organization. The goal of this website, then, is to contribute new insights to your own meditations. It is Jacob and Irena's hope that these works are catalysts to open doorways to new spiritual experiences for you, dear reader. Take your time and enjoy!


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